Aerial Perspective mimics the human tendency to lose sight of the bigger picture. This is accomplished via the use of drone-assisted filming and a combination of video manipulation techniques. By filming from perspectives that humans wouldn’t traditionally be able to experience, it becomes as close as we can get to a third-party view of the landscape.
Video footage was recorded at three primary locations. These shots are representative of different levels of human interaction with the environment. In order to blur the lines between man and nature, the video becomes gradually more abstract as it progresses.
A popular belief is that we live in a man versus nature world. People, much like termites in a forest, are born to consume. The truth is that humans are part of nature, not its opposition. We aren’t evil and nature isn’t good, it is truly a neutral relationship. With this understanding, it makes it all the more impactful to take a new perspective and see the different ways we influence our ecosystem.